And after a long lazyness period, here are the winners of last year's "awards of the year". Actually, I have been thinking about this and the more I think of it, the more I believe that the year should start either on the 21st of March (HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYBODY!!!!!) or on the 1st of April... It has to do with nature's cycles that I feel we are more tuned to, than we recognise. Anyway, here are the results. This year didn't have that many voters, but it really doesn't matter. If you don't vote the ones I vote end up winning, so we always have a winner anyway... But I digress...

Album of the Year
Both Animal Collective and The XX got 3 votes, Franz Ferdinand got 1. Animal Collective wins on the tiebreaker criteria.

Movie of the Year
Avatar got 3 votes, a write-in candidate almost won (Up, which I didn't even see, but will try to catch at some point) with two votes. Watchmen, Whatever Works and another write-in, Inglorious Basterds, got one vote each. "Austrian" movies Brüno and Das Weisse Band got ignored... So technically revolutionary Avatar wins.

Movie of past years only released in a place I could see it in this year
Slumdog Millionnaire smashes to victory with 6 votes against 1 for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. All others were ignored. I've learned to think of Danny Boyle as one of my favourite directors.

Comic Book of the year
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - Century wins with two votes! And not with mine. Asterios Polyp, Batman & Robin and Fantastic Four get one vote each...

Portuguese League Footballer of the year
So here I have a problem... Cardozo and Hulk get two votes each and the tiebreaker criteria (my vote) doesn't solve it, because I voted for one of the other two who had one vote each (Aimar and Saviola). So I guess they both win it...

Portuguese Footballer of the year
Well... again, and I imagine for a long time, Cronaldo won this thing. It's difficult for any other to win this... Unless we were Spanish: have ever heard that joke? "One Spanish says to the other: Di Stefano is the best player in the world!!! And one of the best of Spain..." Well, I'm not Spanish, so Cronaldo will continue winning this for a while... Bruno Alves also got a vote (and from a Benfica supporter - that's odd!).

Internet site of the year
Well, for this new category, we got 3 votes for wikipedia, 3 votes for facebook and 1 vote for tvgolo. Award goes to wikipedia on the tiebreaker...
So the current list of winners is as follows:
Album of the year
2005 - Chemical Brothers - Push the Button
2006 - The Strokes - First Impressions of Earth
2007 - LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver
2008 - Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
2009 - Animal Collective - Merryweather Post Pavillion
Movie of the year
2005 - Sin City
2006 - X-Men III: The Last Stand
2007 - Eastern Promises
2008 - The Dark Knight
2009 - Avatar
Movie of past years only released in a place I could see it in this year
2005 - The Life Aquatic
2006 - V for Vendetta
2007 - Letters from Iwo Jima
2008 - There will be Blood
2009 - Slumdog Millionaire
Comic Book of the year
2005 - Hellblazer (Mike Carey, various artists)
2006 - Captain America (Ed Brubaker, Steve Epting)
2007 - Chronicles of Wormwood (Garth Ennis, Jacen Burrows)
2008 - Thor (J. Michael Straczynski, Oliver Coipel)
2009 - League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - Century (Alan Moore, Kevin O'Neill)
Portuguese League Footballer of the year
2006 - Lucho Gonzales (FC Porto)
2007 - Liedson (Sporting)
2008 - Lisandro Lopez (FC Porto)
2009 - Cardozo (Benfica)/Hulk (FC Porto)
Portuguese Footballer of the year
2006 - Cronaldo (Manchester United)
2007 - Cronaldo (Manchester United)
2008 - Cronaldo (Manchester United)
2009 - Cronaldo (Real Madrid)
Internet Site of the year
2009 -
And that's that for the year! A new and exciting year is starting (maybe 3 months ago, maybe today, maybe next week), we have a whole year to read more, see more, hear more, do more! And in a year, I'll bother you again to vote!