Teses de Mestrado
Ok, das 15 sobram apenas 4:
Allam Ahmed
Science, technology and sustainable development policies
Simona Iammarino
Regional gaps and convergence/divergence within the European Union (especially economic and innovation determinants, the impact of internationalisation processes, prospects for the new enlarged EU, public policy for socio-economic cohesion).
Regional gaps and convergence/divergence within the European Union (especially economic and innovation determinants, the impact of internationalisation processes, prospects for the new enlarged EU, public policy for socio-economic cohesion).
Ben Martin
Towards a European Research Area. The European Commission has a vision of creating a European Research Area in which national and EU policies for research are brought into closer harmony. How realistic is this vision? What advantages would it bring? Would it enable Europe to challenge American hegemony in science? (An alternative topic would be on the pros and cons of establishing a European Research Council, as first advocated by Keith Pavitt.)
Towards a European Research Area. The European Commission has a vision of creating a European Research Area in which national and EU policies for research are brought into closer harmony. How realistic is this vision? What advantages would it bring? Would it enable Europe to challenge American hegemony in science? (An alternative topic would be on the pros and cons of establishing a European Research Council, as first advocated by Keith Pavitt.)
Ed Steinmueller
Any other topic that has a clear relation to economic theory or a strong connection with a specific set of questions in the innovation studies literature. E aqui, estou a pensar fazer qualquer coisa a relacionar financiamento de Investigacao e Desenvolvimento com performance internacional em termos sectoriais nos ultimos anos em alguns paises europeus.
Estou em periodo de conversas com estes senhores. Ja falei com o primeiro e com o terceiro. Na 2a falo com a Simona.
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