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sexta-feira, março 11, 2005

Teses de Mestrado

Vou ser preguicoso e fazer copy/paste da minha lista de potenciais teses de mestrado.
Alguem me quer ajudar a escolher uma?
Acima esta o nome do potencial coordenador (duvido que algum deles vos diga alguma coisa).
Allam Ahmed

Science, technology and sustainable development policies
International technology transfer and technological capability development
UN millennium development goals
Sustainable economic development policies

Martin Bell

National innovation/learning systems in developing countries
Analysis of different models and structures of innovation/learning systems. (What are the key features of the systems? Why have these emerged? What are their implications? Etc.)
Innovation and clusters in developing countries
Analysis of the interaction between ‘cluster characteristics’ and the development of innovation capabilities and the implementation of innovation in developing countries. (How does clustering influence the accumulation of innovation capabilities? Why? How does that accumulation influence the characteristics of clusters? Why ?)

Andy Davies

Building Organisational capabilities and learning through projects (theory and practice).

Simona Iammarino
Regional gaps and convergence/divergence within the European Union (especially economic and innovation determinants, the impact of internationalisation processes, prospects for the new enlarged EU, public policy for socio-economic cohesion).

Fiona Marshall

The role of environmental science in sustainable development: What indicators have UN organisations adopted to assess how effectively they are supporting and utilising scientific research findings in the context of the millennium development goals.

Ben Martin
Towards a European Research Area. The European Commission has a vision of creating a European Research Area in which national and EU policies for research are brought into closer harmony. How realistic is this vision? What advantages would it bring? Would it enable Europe to challenge American hegemony in science? (An alternative topic would be on the pros and cons of establishing a European Research Council, as first advocated by Keith Pavitt.)

Martin Meyer

Emerging science-related technologies, esp. nanotechnology

Adrian Smith

Support for renewable energy technologies
There are a variety of policy mechanisms to support the diffusion of renewable energy technologies. These include public R&D funding, tradable green certificates, guaranteed prices, and capital grants. This project will appraise the merits and drawbacks of each from an innovation perspective. The appraisal could then be used to assess how innovation friendly is UK policy for renewables.

Ed Steinmueller

Any other topic that has a clear relation to economic theory or a strong connection with a specific set of questions in the innovation studies literature.

Joe Tidd

Benchmarking across firms, sectors and nations

Nick von Tunzelmann
Regional, national and/or international systems of innovation
Se alguem tiver sugestoes, por favor, ajude-me!



Blogger rockyveiga said...

Andy Davies

Building Organisational capabilities and learning through projects (theory and practice).

eu voto neste!

março 11, 2005 6:48 da tarde

Anonymous Anónimo said...

Mais um voto pra "Building Organisational capabilities and learning through projects (theory and practice)".
Andrew Davies parece ter nome respeitável!


março 12, 2005 5:54 da tarde

Blogger Hugo Viseu said...

Obrigado pelas sugestoes... Tenho a impressao que nao vou fazer esse porque vou fazer um trabalho de fim de periodo para uma cadeira precisamente sobre o tema. Ja falei com o Andy (q e meu professor MESMO) e acho q em vez de tese de mestrado me fico pelo trabalho de fim de periodo. The search continues... Mais sugestoes?

março 13, 2005 7:15 da tarde


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